Well Foursquare unique social network that uses the features as the flagship location has exceeded 1 million times to check in a day. Foursquare just get an injection of new funds 20 million USD and this time Foursquare has made news.
With this, Foursquare has reached historic moment, which also shows the prospects for this service in the future which of course will continue to grow. For those of you who do not know "check in", this is the term of the activity using meberitahukan Foursquare to where we are. In addition to this we can merekmoendasikan Foursquare places and activities to do on our friends. People often do check-ins at places such as cafes, restaurants, bars, homes, offices, etc..
Well for you who do not know Foursquare, could be to foursquare.com or search and download the application on Android Market Foursquare or your iPhone AppStore,or please register yourself for free to connect with some people you want to know foursquareSignUp