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Sumbawa, Indonesia

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aol Project Phoenix

Indeed, Internet users in Indonesia, many are using yahoo mail, hotmail gmail or at least well, but aol is actually also provide free email services and realize the tremendous competition from the other then AOL has launched Project Phoenix, which is run out of business remodel view email application.

AOL also offers e-mail not only to the aol.com domain but also in the domain ygm.com, love.com, wow, com and even games.com.

Currently, Project Phoenix is still in beta and it looks really similar to Gmail and have a quick bar shortcut at the top to send email, instant messaging, and sms. Even with the new aol mail application, we do not have to have an email from aol and can take advantage of other email providers just as Gmail, Hotmail and even up the message into it. (Via cnet.com)
aol project Phoenix