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Sumbawa, Indonesia

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Simnet Uninstaller

For those of you who feel the 'imperfections' of the default Windows application program, ie add / remove. Program applications that this one could be his successor.

Simnet Uninstaller is an application program that is easy to use in regulating peninginstalan various programs contained in the Windows operating system. This program works just like Windows default program, ie add / remove.

With Simnet Uninstaller, you can remove (uninstall) the application programs that you do not want or need in a way that is easy and fast without leaving the slightest trace.

In conclusion, Simnet Uninstaller can become a free application programs and the best program to replace the add / remove default Windows is not so perfect in the removal application.

File size: 648 KB (freeware)
Os: Windows XP/Vista/7