Waza Billah

Laki-laki, 90 tahun

Sumbawa, Indonesia

Pada dasarnya Segalah Jenis Pengetahuan Pada diri manusia bersumber pada zat Yang MAHA AGUNG.
Thx to Blogger Devloper

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This trick is valid for one CDMA card (
Flexi? or Esia? or Starone? ). Do not switch the card the first time
time to buy. Create a direct Internet connect. Use the default setting aja. If
certainly can not connect for free guaranteed. Although often DC (Disconnect).
okay 10-30 minutes. Origin good signal / full seldom DC. DC Out
free dial up again and again.

•This trick is valid for one CDMA card (
Flexi? or Esia? or Starone? ). Ensure that a minimum pulse 5rb. After
that connect to the internet. This trick is suitable for use if you want to browse
in the long term. Try not to Disconnect for later
you can not connect again. Continue where the benefit? You pay a connection
5rb, then free the full. With the notes do not get
Disconnect. quite right,
rp.500,00 much as you like?

•This trick is for the CDMA card secret FREN
lies in the Proxy Port. Please note: Any Proxy
The Port has a Difference. Eg Proxy vietnam; 203.160.xxx.xxx Port: 554 I have included setting.
Find a free port proxy diinternet, googling for a while then
enter the setting web browser (Firefox). But I also have
Proxy Port include a list of all the world. Try changing your Proxy
Benar2 port until you get a quick and free. We live
match with the cards that we use.