Adobe Photoshop CS is a software for editing photos that are already very popular in the world today. currently in use by photoshop many professional photographers, amateur photographers who want to pursue the field of Photo, Graphic Design and Web Designer. So do not be surprised if the software is very global. This software is great for sditing photo because it has lots of editing features. Adobe Photoshop CS possess many new features compared to previous versions. These features are:
The existence of a new panel for the configuration (panel adjustment)
Panel for Masking which allows the user to improve the performance of the edit.
The existence of "Enhanced color-correction technology" will make us the more pampered with ease in the selection process.
Better at processing raw files (large size image file)
Integration with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.
System edit "workflow" that will facilitate the editing process.
For large-size printing (Print Very Large image) can be viewed in sebelumproses print preview mode.
Very interesting is not it? But for the regular version of Photoshop CS 4 you need a very powerful PC performance and consuming a large hard disk. But now you do not have to worry anymore because there's been Adobe Photoshop CS 4 Portable that the file size is very small and easy to use. very suitable to be saved in the flash disk, and also for those of you who do not have a computer, because you can store on flash disk and in use in other people's computers to edit your photos.
Here are the Adobe Phoshop Portable several versions that do not require installation, can be saved in the flash and taken anywhere.
File size:30.24MB
System opration: windows All
File size:57.04MB
CS 3
File size:52.66MB
CS 4