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Scribus - Page Maker Software is a free equivalent

Always appear reliable software from the open source world and one of them is Scribus.

Scribus is a desktop publishing application that was released with the GNU GPL as free software. Scribus has the capability as a desktop publishing application that 'opponent' is a commercial software like Adobe PageMaker, PagePlus, QuarkXPress or Adobe InDesign.

Scribus is an open source page layout program very useful, free and reliable. This software can generate output in PDF and Postscript with equal quality commercial software as well as support for graphical PDF form and PDF presentations.

Although the purpose of this program is so easy to use and understand, but Scribus also offer professional publishing features, such as CMYK colors, easy to make a PDF and import / export Encapsulated Postscript.

Scribus is available and can run on Linux / * nix / BSD, and MacOSX (R) and Windows (R). Scribus used around the world for the production of newspapers, books and various task peneritan page layout.

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