What will you find here?
In BlogHer.com, you will find the best conversations are led by women in the social medium. A curated selection authentic voice. Living with good words.
BlogHer is a community and the media company created in partnership with women in social media. Lisa Stone, Elisa Camahort Page and Jory December Jardins BlogHer was founded in 2005 in response to a question, "where all the women bloggers?" What will you find here?
In BlogHer.com, you will find the best conversation led by women in social media. A curated selection authentic voice. Living with good words.
BlogHer is a community and the media company created in partnership with women in social media. Lisa Stone, Elisa Camahort Page and Jory December Jardins BlogHer was founded in 2005 in response to a question, "where all the women bloggers?"
Today, BlogHer is the largest community of women who blog: 23 million unique visitors per month (Nielsen NetRatings). Involved, influential and info-savvy, the women come to BlogHer to find and share advice, opinions and recommendations. BlogHer's team worked hard to bring you the best and brightest conversation author and speaker - online and in person. That's what we do best.
We host:
# BlogHer Conferences, the world's largest conference for women in social media
# BlogHer Publishing Network, with 2,500 blogs a network of publishing's biggest and highest quality blogs written by women
# BlogHer.Com, the Web's leading guide to the hottest news and trends in women in social media circles, known as a community where women speak their minds on every topic from politics to their parents in an atmosphere of integrity and respect
BlogHer is run by the three founders and a team of 40 employees through offices in New York and Silicon Valley. We are proud to have business support from Venrock, GE / NBC Universal Peacock Equity Fund and Azure Capital Partners.
What is different about BlogHer?
Such as changing reading habits, BlogHer acknowledge the reader wants to connect with the authors who deliver their news, commentary and entertainment.
BlogHer's contributing editors, writers and reviewers are approachable and responsive to readers. And, BlogHer community will be there for you if you post or comments on BlogHer.com. You will find the authors respond - either in the comments on their own writings and in discussions using other social media - continue the conversation shortly after posting them go live on BlogHer.com.
Today, BlogHer is the largest community of women who blog, 23 million unique visitors per month (Nielsen NetRatings). Involved, influential and info-savvy, the women come to BlogHer to find and share advice, opinions and recommendations. BlogHer's team worked hard to bring you the best and brightest conversation, author and speaker - online and in person.
1.BlogHer meeting, the world's biggest conference for women in social media
2. BlogHer Network Publishing, with 2,500 blogs one of the largest networks and publishing the highest quality blogs written by women
3. BlogHer.Com, the Web's leading guide to the hottest news and trends in women in social media circles, known as a community where women spoke their minds on every topic from politics to parents in an atmosphere of integrity and respect
BlogHer is run by the three founders and a team of 40 employees through offices in New York and Silicon Valley. We are proud to have business support from Venrock, GE / NBC Universal Peacock Equity Fund and Partners Azure capital.
What is different about BlogHer?
Such as changing reading habits, BlogHer acknowledge the reader wants to connect with the authors who deliver their news, commentary and entertainment.
BlogHer's contributing editors, writers and reviewers are approachable and responsive to readers. And, BlogHer community will be there for you if you post or comment on BlogHer.com. You'll find authors respond - either in the comments on their own writings and in discussions using other social media - continue the conversation shortly after posting them to go live on BlogHer.com. for those of you who are interested please visit