Waza Billah

Laki-laki, 90 tahun

Sumbawa, Indonesia

Pada dasarnya Segalah Jenis Pengetahuan Pada diri manusia bersumber pada zat Yang MAHA AGUNG.
Thx to Blogger Devloper

Template hadir,merupakan inspirasi windows

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It turns out that technology adoption need to be a very long time. In seputaran in 2000, as I recall, the adoption of HTML just transitioning to version 4. HTML was all about the layout and formatting. Not anymore.

HTML 5 that are now beginning to be implemented by some grade A browser will bring more than just a feature for page layout and format. Some of them are Canvas and Video.

In the past, to be able to provide interaction draw on a web page we should use Java applets or Flash. HTML 5 will provide an additional option: canvas. As the name suggests, canvas is the medium-streak could dicorat directly. No longer need to load special plugin. Simply add javascript and then we can draw directly on web pages. Now you can emagination own, about what people do with CANVAS . What was previously a monopoly of Flash and Java applets will be a take-over by CANVAS.

Video and Audio
There Will Be