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Internernet expoler 8

making things right in Internet Explorer 8, and one of them is how to make most of IE8's features easily accessible. You do not need to explore a very deep menus to find new features, below are a few things you may not know in IE 8.

Select the text with the keyboard

By pressing F7, or Page | Caret Browsing, and use the arrow keys or other navigation to find places where the text you want to copy, hold down the Shift key and use the arrow keys or other navigation button to expand the options. Ctrl-C then copy the selected text to the clipboard.

Compatibility View

You can make IE8 always display the site in Compatibility View to add these addresses to Page | Compatibility View Settings. Microsoft maintains a list of sites that need in Compatibility View, and Microsoft's IE8 automatically switch to the Compatibility View for an existing site in the list.

Hide your tracks with InPrivate Browsing

IE8 InPrivate use labels for two different features, both accessed from the Safety menu. There is "InPrivate Browsing" and "InPrivate Filtering." InPrivate Browsing lets you surf the Web without storing traces of your visit on your own computer in the form of cookies, history items, or the page cached.

Privacy by InPrivate Filter

Another feature is InPrivate privacy filter. This prevents the web page display ads have also been displayed at other sites visited, the ad may have been tracking your browsing trail to continue their attacks on you.