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Dealing with Malware attacks Website

Tips on how to deal with malware attacks from a website. Google regularly turned out to store and scan to web web malware contained therein, so that when we are exposed google states malware website, then google will instruct the browser to divert us to a page notification.
Thus what you need to do when hit by this malware attack?
1. Check your hosting

Checking hosting is not sending and hosting notify you if there is a problem in your web scripts and they will not want to know about it as long their servers secure. All you need is to check the logs last lalukan ip is logged into your cpanel, if ip is your ip, then you will be safe safe.

The next step to enable the log archive feature cpanel. The point is that cpanel basically captures all the activities you web users, but once in the log are concatenated into a report, cpanel automatically deletes it, this time we make it for her store within 1 month, at least we can see what happens when attacked our web malware.

   1. Log into cPanel> Raw Log Manager (this name will be different from other cPanel versions).
   2. Check on the box "Archive Logs ..." box.
   3. Untick "Remove the previous month's archived logs ..." box.
   4. and Save

2. Have a Google Webmaster

If you have a website, has become a must you have a google webmaster account, using a gmail account, you can create an account here, in addition, google webmaster page will tell us what the malware infection, and also will notify google pages page page what needs our attention.

If you already have a google webmaster account, the next step we need to register our website websmater it into google.

If you are infected malware before it has a google webmaster account, then you have to check your web content as a whole. There are times when you should contact your hosting support to help you find content that contains malware.
3. Change Password

When it refreshes all your passwords, some important passwords such as FTP, login to Cpanel, and a password to connect to the database you should update with a new one, doing this is difficult, but the results and impact will be far different.
4. Upgrade your scripts

Update your scripts to the latest version, if you prefer to program, create a custom security mechanism for your site is better than you do the update, because with a custom security that you created to make your scripts to be non-standard and difficult to guess the hackers on the mechanism of scripts this work.
5. Clean files and check file permissions

Malware can even infect your jpg image, then for this, use chmod 777 might not be advisable, if you want to read and write functions you can do that with chmod 755. Thus you can block hackers to execute the image file contained in your server.

Make sure all databases are clean, nothing suspicious comment that contains scripts that were approved, we can utilize the help unmaskparasite or norton save web to do the scanning of our website after cleaning.
6. Ask google to re-review your page riview

After everything is clean, the last step you need to do is to ask google to review this page again, teknoinfo takes at least 6 hours until google stating that this site has no malware. I request that this review can follow the steps below:

   1. Login to Google Webmaster Tools Home page, and select the site that you have registered.
   2. Click Diagnostics, and click the Malware.
   3. Click Request review.
         1. Give a little note about what you do to accelerate this process.

Good luck!