How to easily create an online resume with ceevee How to easily create an online resume with ceevee
Currently, a CV is not very difficult, especially do not understand formatting, other than that a lot of tricks tricks how to make a resume that is good and right, but we must make it manually, set the layout, disclose in a variety of formats, such as doc. or. pdf, for the solutions we put a resume online is a good idea, but with the way our course in order to maintain the privacy we need to restrict who can view our resumes freely, because we expose the complete resume and meletakanya on the Internet is not a true, because we can become victims of identity murder, so if you want to create an online resume, make sure he is safe from Google (to avoid people who hit from google search) and have limited access and controlled by you.
Ceevee is a new website that will help you in doing all that, in making an online resume, ceevee very easy to have a simple layout, easy to read, simple, and you only need 4 steps in making this resume, thereby ceevee will certainly be very help your career, In addition you can make your resume become private, or you can mempublishnya easily on twitter / facebook, or other social media.
The registration process is not very difficult, you can log in directly using the facebook account, or you can register less than 60 seconds. After register, you can fill your cv directly, requiring no button and a special lesson to navigate this website, you just click on the element you want to change and direct ceevee save your document. Web is equipped with Ajax so that your interaction is very easy to do.
Although it is still beta, but ceevee already can be used and provide excellent functionality and intuitive to use, free of charge and free.
By default your CV will be in private mode do not worry if you want publish you live a few clicks. In addition, whenever you need your CV can easily be exported to pdf.This web unfortunately blogger does not support
please visitceevee
Woorank, easy way analysis of your SEO Woorank, easy way analysis of your SEO
Maybe you are currently busy to analyze the time to organize and optimize your website visitors, and also search engines. To do all that, you need a website tools or a gauge rank your website which will provide numerical values and evaluate the various types of factors on your website.
This time, Woorank present as a new player in the world of website analysis tool. WooRank is a website that provides free services to webmasters and internet marketing to evaluate their website from the SEO and other important aspects.
By using Woorank, you can get, information Visitors, Content, comprehensive SEO Analysis, Usability, until your website information, such as servers, domain-related and other important factors.
You only need to visit the website woorank, and then click Generate Report, then the web this tool will collect information about your website and menampilkanya in the form of rank. and all stat information is also displayed in 1 pages, quite simple and intuitive.
Currently woorank still in the beta stage, they will also be memeberikan premium service for some of the future called the call with WooRank Premium edition while the existing service will remain a free, later to the paid version will give the professional-level features and more detailed advice to make your website more friendly to search engines.
Good luck
Google OS Linux display Google-style Google OS Linux display Google-style
As expected, some Linux OS now has a GOS, which is a continuation of the Google OS, Google OS this time has reached Version 3.1, developed entirely from ubuntu distro that is very friendly, the ability of GOS this time they have been integrated directly ala Cloud google, as I have, using the cloud means it may be very minimal for those of you who use it offline, but will have thousands of good benefits if you are online with the Internet. Use of any cloud allows you to process quickly and easily and have an unlimited storage media using only a web browser.
gOS 3 Gadgets will instantly run Google Gadgets Linux on startup, which gives at least more than 100,000 iGoogle and Google Gadgets applications into your desktop. In addition, Google Documents, Calendar, and Mail can be launched directly using Mozilla Prism application to close the desktop application. WINE 1.0 latest version also incorporated into this OS to support hundreds of Windows application software for the advanced user, allowing you to phase more easily migrate to your staff. gOS 3 Gadgets fully use Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 8.04.1.
You can visit:Download
Todolist who is always there in your Firefox Todolist who is always there in your Firefox
Create a todo list is very important nowadays, especially if we work by using computers connected to the Internet, sometimes we like to forget when we work we even keasikan browsing to facebook and instead spend the time to other social networks, ultimately there is no job that completed. For that we should stick todo list or note list in the browser so we can see our todo list to the finish with the right.
So therefore we are more easily set the time between work and browsing, create todo lists make us become more structured and disciplined in work, so that our work on time in accordance with the existing timeline, these tools can be installed by using Firefox.
Can be used to store your notes notes, easily and quickly, make your notes into todo lists, notes categorize your notes, so you can develop into powertools note this note in your work.
Tools children was developed by MIT in particular to assist the process of college brand
Download here
U.S. Developing Internet Addiction Cente U.S. Developing Internet Addiction Cente
If you always have time to do social networks like facebook or twitter and plurk maybe you have been exposed to the disease Internet Addiction, or if you are addicted to online games such as WOW (World of Warcraft) and a lot of your time runs out for the online game, you may also exposed to the same disease. Recently, the U.S. created a special place to deal with people who have become addicted to the Internet.
This place is called Heavensfield, located in Fall City, not far from Redmond (Microsoft headquarters). built from wood with an area of five acres that would make it a place called the reStart: Internet Addiction Recovery Program.
At least there are 2 clinical social worker currently Cosette Rae and Hilarie Cash has opened a 45-day rehab center for adults who are quite dependent on the gaming, gambling, chatting, texting, and some other online activities. And they now have become the first rehabilitation to cope with Internet addiction in the United States.
"According to research 6-10% of the population online is very dependent on the cyber technology and the Internet. Among them are gamers, who are especially playing multi-player games (like World of Warcraft) seem to be addicted at a very high level. Of course on Internet addiction has been in the tackle as well as in China and South Korea, where the government they have designed this to be a high priority to health hazards and they also have developed many methods of treatment to reduce this.
Deng Senshan, an old 16tahun having to log in too often end he sent to Guangxi Qihuang Survival Training Camp in the southern part of China and his parents in a fine of up to 7.000 yuan ($ 1,024.29) for 1 month of treatment.
Speaking of prices to Restart is also not cheap, 45hari treatment will cost up to $ 14.500 ($ 322 per day). For application alone will cost $ 200. Screening $ 800. If you want to do backpacking or doing sports like it will add to cost $ 1.575. Meanwhile, elsewhere in California South Coast Recovery menawarnakan discount 30 days of drug and alcohol treatment program is priced at $ 9,000.
Opening the web with IE through Firerox Opening the web with IE through Firerox
If you are a programmer asp, and many involved in the Microsoft programming world, you are still using IE, unfortunately her IE 8.0 or less preferred by many users due to problems of standardization, eventually if you are interested and loyal users of firefox and you want to open a web using IE mode then you can use the IE-Tabs, Coral IE Tab to allow you to run 2 browsers in one time and this is a modified version of IE Tab add-on that was popular before, for example, in addition to displaying web pages in Internet Explorer mode, you can also save on cookies and work with the Adblock Plus add-on.
In Coral IE Tab settings, you can set preferences for each individual sites, so you do not need to switch to IE if you visit the offending page. If previously you had to use IE Tab, IE Tab Coral can import the previous settings.
Speed Up Firefox web Processing Speed Up Firefox web Processing
Caution: The following Guide is valid only if you use a broadband internet connection (which is already quite fast) but you feel that Firefox still feels slow process Web pages that you open. If the line you are using slow internet then this trick will not benefit significantly. For that we will use Firefox to use more than one server connections by doing some of the following Step
1. Open Firefox and type about: config in the address bar where you type a web address.
2. Click the button: "I'll be careful, I promise."
3. In the filter bar type network.http.
4. Double-click on the "network.http.pipelining" and change the setting from false to true.
5. Double-click on the "network.http.proxy.pipelining" and change the setting from false to true.
6. Double-click on the "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" and change to "30". This will make Firefox ask 30 requests at once.
(Usually, Firefox will ask for a Reques every time. If you make more than 1 then it will speed up the process of page loading)
7. At the top you will find network.http.proxy.pipelining
"Network.http.max-persistant-connections-per-proxy" and "network.http.max-persistant-connections-per-server". Replace valuenya become "8".
8. double-click on the "network.http.max-connections" and change the value to "48". Step_9:
9. Then right click select "New" and select "Integer".
10. Then copy and paste the following text in the field provided: nglayout.initialpaint.delay.
11. Later on when prompt add value, input the number "0". This value is the setting for the browser to wait before the browser receives the information.
12. Close all windows and tabs. Restart Firefox.
Singapore Upgrading bandwidth Free Wifi Singapore Upgrading bandwidth Free Wifi
Free Wi-Fi service provided by Singapore under the name Wireless @ SG, recently get a speed boost upgrades undertaken by the Singapore government and also adds some new features such as location-based services.
On Thursday last day speed speed access to Wireless @ SG users increased from 512k bps (bits per second) to 1Mbps, with a location-based services will be added functionality secure automated login capabilities that will be planned to run in January next year, said the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA).
At least there will be three operators who will arrange for Wireless @ SG is spread over 7.500 hotspots - iCell Network, Singapore Telecommunications, and Qmax Communications - will install access points at locations specified location that has been in Singapore before and this will also give opportunity to the parties third to work on location-based services to the needs of this network, according to IDA. Programmes
Other services that will be given here including the use Wireless @ SG to the needs of advertising, payment and some facilities for monitoring, the agency said without giving detailed specifications. Wireless @ SG Starting operation in 2006. and service will continue to exist until in March 2013.
Astronauts now also play twitter Astronauts now also play twitter
Recently, the international space station has undergone an upgrade and this time after the upgrade the astronauts will have personal access to connect to the Internet through space. Recently, they were the cosmonaut and the researchers just did software update, flight engineer TJ Creamer is the first person who sends twitter status via his Twitter account from outer space.
Basically, send an e-mail astronauts from outer space to earth where the support personnel who will send this message to the destination. Due to personal dikembangkanya Web access on the space station, the astronauts now have access to the official e-mail them directly to be able to send their emails directly on the earth, however, the astronauts are not able to surf the Web, because according to Kelly Humphries, NASA speaker this is due to concerns about the security of their systems. At least the astronauts could be to update twitter, micro blogging seems impacts at this time began to grow rapidly, as Bill Gates also has a twitter account and update the status as well.
Dealing with Malware attacks Website Dealing with Malware attacks Website
Tips on how to deal with malware attacks from a website. Google regularly turned out to store and scan to web web malware contained therein, so that when we are exposed google states malware website, then google will instruct the browser to divert us to a page notification.
Thus what you need to do when hit by this malware attack?
1. Check your hosting
Checking hosting is not sending and hosting notify you if there is a problem in your web scripts and they will not want to know about it as long their servers secure. All you need is to check the logs last lalukan ip is logged into your cpanel, if ip is your ip, then you will be safe safe.
The next step to enable the log archive feature cpanel. The point is that cpanel basically captures all the activities you web users, but once in the log are concatenated into a report, cpanel automatically deletes it, this time we make it for her store within 1 month, at least we can see what happens when attacked our web malware.
1. Log into cPanel> Raw Log Manager (this name will be different from other cPanel versions).
2. Check on the box "Archive Logs ..." box.
3. Untick "Remove the previous month's archived logs ..." box.
4. and Save
2. Have a Google Webmaster
If you have a website, has become a must you have a google webmaster account, using a gmail account, you can create an account here, in addition, google webmaster page will tell us what the malware infection, and also will notify google pages page page what needs our attention.
If you already have a google webmaster account, the next step we need to register our website websmater it into google.
If you are infected malware before it has a google webmaster account, then you have to check your web content as a whole. There are times when you should contact your hosting support to help you find content that contains malware.
3. Change Password
When it refreshes all your passwords, some important passwords such as FTP, login to Cpanel, and a password to connect to the database you should update with a new one, doing this is difficult, but the results and impact will be far different.
4. Upgrade your scripts
Update your scripts to the latest version, if you prefer to program, create a custom security mechanism for your site is better than you do the update, because with a custom security that you created to make your scripts to be non-standard and difficult to guess the hackers on the mechanism of scripts this work.
5. Clean files and check file permissions
Malware can even infect your jpg image, then for this, use chmod 777 might not be advisable, if you want to read and write functions you can do that with chmod 755. Thus you can block hackers to execute the image file contained in your server.
Make sure all databases are clean, nothing suspicious comment that contains scripts that were approved, we can utilize the help unmaskparasite or norton save web to do the scanning of our website after cleaning.
6. Ask google to re-review your page riview
After everything is clean, the last step you need to do is to ask google to review this page again, teknoinfo takes at least 6 hours until google stating that this site has no malware. I request that this review can follow the steps below:
1. Login to Google Webmaster Tools Home page, and select the site that you have registered.
2. Click Diagnostics, and click the Malware.
3. Click Request review.
1. Give a little note about what you do to accelerate this process.
Good luck!
VIA will remove the quad-core processors by 2011 VIA will remove the quad-core processors by 2011
Although VIA is not for Intel, but the research done by VIA, including research that always affect the technology in the world. World mentions the internet today will be filled with new tech world quad-core processor that comes with support for DirectX 11 chipset in 2011.
Thus, this chipset company also joined the challenge, where VIA plans to release dual core processors Nano-tech, using 40nm fabrication will begin to be issued at the end of 2010. With specs 2GHz core speed, 1333MHz V4 Bus, 2MB L2 cache and a TDP of 20W.
VIA expects these products will be profitable as they had only recently suffered losses up to $ 45 million in the first quarter of this year 2010.
Upgrading the kernel without restarting now free Upgrading the kernel without restarting now free
if you are a user of Fedora and Ubuntu, maybe this time there is very good news for you. Fedora users can now do a kernel update without need to reboot Ksplice thanks to technology, which of course is free for users of Fedora. Currently, Fedora and Ubuntu Desktop are supported by Grati by Ksplice. Ksplice also supports server edition like Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, CloudLinux, as well as Ubuntu Server.
"Ksplice when first developed for Fedora," said Jeff Arnold, Ksplice is also the founder and chief executive during a press release. "And they will continue their commitment to the Fedora community for providing this software free of charge" he added.
Ksplice code has long contributed to the Fedora Project have the opportunity to direct integration into their Linux distributions. For the enterprise edition, Ksplice Uptrack reached into the bag you will only start from U.S. $ 4.95.
Linux Server Monitoring with Bijk Linux Server Monitoring with Bijk

To monitor the server is very necessary at this time, especially if your server has a load that is very volatile and varied, so what software you use to meet these needs? This time techno will give a new product called Bijk is an online tool that can make 30 graphs about the circumstances of the situation, the CPU, memory, traffic, Apache, and Alert PostreSQL other. This software called Bijk and can be used on the Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat and also for the service provider cloud.
The need for increasing Internet demand continues to grow, with the increasing visitors to each website, this causes the complexity of Internet traffic will be a separate project to create a collection of server groups is greater. Doing Development and create internal custom solutions may be become a very expensive and time consuming for your Integration.
This time there is a new tool that will make it easier for Linux administrators to work, save time and money so your business can increase the speed and stability of your web server.
Bijk - born of a natural need for information
SaaS applications from introduced mid-year 2010, with the aim to provide convenience to the administrator of Linux servers by providing a comprehensive chart.
Perform installation also very easy, we just need to install a Linux server - and followed by 3 steps below:
1. Create a free account on
2. Add the repository to download the Linux source code bijk
3. Install package Bijk
4. Connect Bijk with your user account.
This kind of installation only takes less than 5 minutes ..
Currently bijk Server monitoring providing with 2 types of services namely, free and commercial versions, which will be calculated based on the number of servers that wish to be added into Bijk. Here is an example graph of an existing database on bijck demoserver (very detailed!)

Internernet expoler 8 Internernet expoler 8
making things right in Internet Explorer 8, and one of them is how to make most of IE8's features easily accessible. You do not need to explore a very deep menus to find new features, below are a few things you may not know in IE 8.
Select the text with the keyboard
By pressing F7, or Page | Caret Browsing, and use the arrow keys or other navigation to find places where the text you want to copy, hold down the Shift key and use the arrow keys or other navigation button to expand the options. Ctrl-C then copy the selected text to the clipboard.
Compatibility View
You can make IE8 always display the site in Compatibility View to add these addresses to Page | Compatibility View Settings. Microsoft maintains a list of sites that need in Compatibility View, and Microsoft's IE8 automatically switch to the Compatibility View for an existing site in the list.
Hide your tracks with InPrivate Browsing
IE8 InPrivate use labels for two different features, both accessed from the Safety menu. There is "InPrivate Browsing" and "InPrivate Filtering." InPrivate Browsing lets you surf the Web without storing traces of your visit on your own computer in the form of cookies, history items, or the page cached.
Privacy by InPrivate Filter
Another feature is InPrivate privacy filter. This prevents the web page display ads have also been displayed at other sites visited, the ad may have been tracking your browsing trail to continue their attacks on you.
Read More --►
Select the text with the keyboard
By pressing F7, or Page | Caret Browsing, and use the arrow keys or other navigation to find places where the text you want to copy, hold down the Shift key and use the arrow keys or other navigation button to expand the options. Ctrl-C then copy the selected text to the clipboard.
Compatibility View
You can make IE8 always display the site in Compatibility View to add these addresses to Page | Compatibility View Settings. Microsoft maintains a list of sites that need in Compatibility View, and Microsoft's IE8 automatically switch to the Compatibility View for an existing site in the list.
Hide your tracks with InPrivate Browsing
IE8 InPrivate use labels for two different features, both accessed from the Safety menu. There is "InPrivate Browsing" and "InPrivate Filtering." InPrivate Browsing lets you surf the Web without storing traces of your visit on your own computer in the form of cookies, history items, or the page cached.
Privacy by InPrivate Filter
Another feature is InPrivate privacy filter. This prevents the web page display ads have also been displayed at other sites visited, the ad may have been tracking your browsing trail to continue their attacks on you.
It turns out that technology adoption need to be a very long time. In seputaran in 2000, as I recall, the adoption of HTML just transitioning to version 4. HTML was all about the layout and formatting. Not anymore.
HTML 5 that are now beginning to be implemented by some grade A browser will bring more than just a feature for page layout and format. Some of them are Canvas and Video.
In the past, to be able to provide interaction draw on a web page we should use Java applets or Flash. HTML 5 will provide an additional option: canvas. As the name suggests, canvas is the medium-streak could dicorat directly. No longer need to load special plugin. Simply add javascript
Read More --►
HTML 5 that are now beginning to be implemented by some grade A browser will bring more than just a feature for page layout and format. Some of them are Canvas and Video.
In the past, to be able to provide interaction draw on a web page we should use Java applets or Flash. HTML 5 will provide an additional option: canvas. As the name suggests, canvas is the medium-streak could dicorat directly. No longer need to load special plugin. Simply add javascript
Samsung digital camera marketed Samsung digital camera marketed
Samsung Electronics plans to send 30 million digital cameras worldwide in 2012 to grab 20% market share leader.
In 2008, Samsung exceeded Olympus and become third largest digital camera maker in the world. In 2009, the company is sending 17 million digital cameras, increasing its global market share from 10.4% in 2008 to 12.1%, according to figures from the Nikkei.
According to Digitimes, though global shipments of digital cameras fell from 138 million units in 2008, to 129 million units in 2009 due to world economic crisis, but Samsung believes that the average volume of sales of digital cameras they will be recovered to 131 million units in 2010 .
In-class digital SLR camera, the Samsung is expected to experience surges of 1480.000 units to 4.49 million units in 2011 later. Although Samsung have to compete with DSLR camera vendor of Sun State - Japan, estimated in 2015 to sell Samsung camera as much as 15.36 million units in grade CMOS APS-C size sensor MILC model that has good imaging quality.
Sony Ericsson Vivaz Sony Ericsson Vivaz
Buyers of new Sony Ericsson mobile phones and Vivaz Vivaz ™ Pro ™ cans now look forward user interface (red: user interface) new Spb Mobile Shell is the which will from be loaded on phones in September 2010.
Features That new user interface cans be adjusted is optimized for users of Sony Ericsson Vivaz ™ and Vivaz pro ™, Symbian join forces with the best touch-based user interface in its class. The new user interface Provides a unique experience and Quickly to the user. This marks the first user interface adapted solutions That cans be created by Spb Software for Symbian.
Sony Ericsson Vivaz ™ will from be completed by the SPB Mobile Shell in Indonesia, starting from September 2010, and available in a choice of colors Silver Moon, Cosmic Black, Galaxy Blue and Ruby Venus.
"Spb Mobile Shell is the which cans be adjusted to allow users to enjoy an optimal experience from Sony Ericsson and Vivaz Vivaz ™ pro ™," said Sebastian-Justus Schmidt, Chief Executive Officer of the SPB software. "We are pleased to extend our partnership with Sony Ericsson to launch this new solution," said Sebastian continued his explanation.
Nokia Launches Touch Screen C3 Nokia Launches Touch Screen C3
Nokia re-launch the latest series with a traditional keypad and touch screen combination. In the previous C3 series Nokia mobile phone displays a QWERTY with a very economical price.
Since its launch in the UK, so the first price for the phone is priced at € 145 and offers a variety of applications that it's very fitting for your handheld every day. You can enjoy the facilities kamera5 megapixel camera equipped with flash on board, and a 2.4 inch screen.
To store and transfer your files, Nokia C3 dimension 111 x 47.5 x 11 mm supports MicroSD cards up to 32GB capacity, and WiFi Internet connectivity. This new product also ease of access to social networking sites or Instant Messaging and other interesting applications downloaded via Ovi Store.
Analisa Hard disk dengan Xinorbis Analisa Hard disk dengan Xinorbis
Hard drive is a medium to store data, you should regularly analyze the contents. Because the longer it usually it will more and more and more difficult to arrange. It can affect computer performance. We can take advantage of free hard disk analyzer software, one Xinorbis.
Xinorbis is a free program that gives the results of the analysis is complete enough, even the most complete possible for a free program.
This application provides information with an attractive appearance, combining graphs, tables, structured view of files and directories / folders. Moreover we can choose a variety of different information. Even we can create and save reports in various formats. The following main features:
º Analysis of a drive, directory / folder or combine several into one place.
º Create reports in HTML, ACSII / text, CSV or XML.
º Save the report (report) and compare how much and what are the changes.
º All information display can be resized and can customize an existing view.
º Supports XP.
º Ability to conduct scans of Windows Exlorer.
The above is an overview of the features of this program. For more detailed information provided includes the following things:
º Summary, displays a summary of the analysis of hard disk
º Table, displays information based on categories such as programs, system, graphics, movie, audio, office and others.
º Type, showing details of each type. For example graphs: bmp format, jpg, gif, ico, etc.. Including file attributes (hidden, system, read only etc)
º Folders, provide information based on existing folders.
º Magnitude, provides information on the files by size, ranging category of less than 1 KB, 1 MB, 10 MB until the lebh greater than 1 GB.
º Date, the information files by the date, month and year, both the modified, created or Accessed.
º History, information on when and how many files created in the specified date range.
º Top 101, displays the file with a size of 101 largest and 101 smallest file size.
º Other, display files that do not fit the previous categories. With no right-click menu to insert a file into an existing category.
º Null files, display files with size 0 or no content.
º Users, Information number of files based on user
Various information such as tables, Type, folders can be viewed based on file size or number of files and can display a circle graph (pie chart) or box (bar) with different colors and interesting. Charts can be saved via right-click menu.
In addition to the above features, there are still many features provided this program, please try it selengapnya. It's just that as it may be so detailed information provided, the scanning process is time consuming and may be seen applications hang. But it was not so trouble seeing the results given
Xinorbis provides three versions / types of installation, the form of exe (installer), zip (in the form of portable applications) and the Command line version. For the installer exe and zip each about 2 MB in size. As for the Command line only 500 KB
File zize 4MG

Command-line version (500k)

Microsoft Releases Windows Internet Explorer 9 Beta Version Microsoft Releases Windows Internet Explorer 9 Beta Version
Microsoft Corporation today announced the availability of the latest beta version of a web browser Windows Internet Explorer 9 to the whole world at the Beauty of the Web in San Francisco.
Windows Internet Explorer 9 presents online experience with fast, clean, reliable and fully interoperable with the use of Windows 7. Various support presented by modern standards like HTML5.
Internet Explorer 9 telah dirancang ulang menjadi satu-satunya Web Browser yang fokus untuk membuat situs-situs menjadi pusat perhatian melalui Windows 7, sehingga memungkinkan hadirnya pengalaman-pengalaman baru di Web dengan mitra-mitra seperti:
• Red Bull GmbH
• QuiksilverInc
• Rough Guides Ltd
• eHow Inc
• LiveStrong
• Dailymotion
• Wall Street Journal
• Orbitz LLC
• Metia
• Soleil Noir S.A.S
• Yosua Davis Studios
The partners in the Beauty of the Web event, which altogether cover more than 800 million visitors per day, includes:
• Four of the top social networking: Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn danNetlog
• Twitter, the service share the largest real-time information
• Site No. 1 untukritel (, auctions (eBay) and entertainment information (IMDB)
• Europe's leading entertainment networks (RTL) and brand as well as leading portals in China (Sohu)
• Leading news sites (CNN, USA Today), search (Bing), travel (Orbitz), Movies (Flixster), multimedia (Upper), music (Gorillaz) and photos (Photobucket)
The new version of Internet Explorer to harness the power of modern PC hardware to improve the overall performance of Web browsing. Comprehensive approach to performance, including the introduction of a new scripting engine, Chakra, using a central processing unit (CPU) multicore commonly used in PCs to provide a significant performance boost.
Internet Explorer 9 is also the first browser with full hardware acceleration of HTML5, by leveraging the power of graphics processing units (GPUs), to regulate the majority of graphics processing to the GPU, not CPU. By using the GPU, Internet Explorer 9 to open 90 percent of the power of a PC that previously had not been utilized by the web browser
1. Download Manager Integrated SmartScreen Filter
• Internet Explorer 9 provides a first line manager with integrated malware protection and introduced SmartScreen SmartScreen Download.
• SmartScreen Best feature is the breakthrough browser that uses reputation data to remove unnecessary warning for files that are known, and shows the danger warning when downloaded files have a higher risk of danger.
• Internet Explorer is a browser that uses 9 reputations download to help users make safe decisions when using it.
2. Add-on Performance Advisor
• Add-on Performance Adviser notify the user when the add-on slows down their browsing.
• Users will be notified if the total load time of all the add-on is enabled takes more than 0.2 seconds, so users have the opportunity to continue to use the add-on or on and off.
3. Reliability Features.
• Tab isolation.
• Automatic crash recovery.
• Hang recovery of new features in Internet Explorer 9 to help ensure that users do not lose the information and keep the process going well back to browsing.
Microsoft gave it to Internet users via a download site via Internet Explorer 9 Beta <a href="" target="new">Beautyofthe</a>
Windows Wireless Connection Windows Wireless Connection
When you're traveling from one place to another with a laptop or other portable device, you can also connect to Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), particularly in public places like airports and coffee shops ("hotspots") . Fortunately, establishing these connections is usually quite easy and safe.
Use Start> Connect to. Or at least the simplest is that you can search the network icon in the icon tray (the picture of two monitors with a small world), right click on the icon to connect to the network. Available networks will be listed. In fact, you may find a large number of connections available in some urban locations. Find the name you know, mungkina you will be able to connect with the network.
If the network connection is not given a safety, as in most other public networks, it will be easy to connect to the network. Simply click the Connect button and the network. You will see a warning, accept the warning. If Windows Vista prompts you to type the network, select Public for the most secure default. To ensure the type of network, see the Network and Sharing
This trick is valid for one CDMA card (
Flexi? or Esia? or Starone? ). Do not switch the card the first time
time to buy. Create a direct Internet connect. Use the default setting aja. If
certainly can not connect for free guaranteed. Although often DC (Disconnect).
okay 10-30 minutes. Origin good signal / full seldom DC. DC Out
free dial up again and again.
•This trick is valid for one CDMA card (
Flexi? or Esia? or Starone? ). Ensure that a minimum pulse 5rb. After
that connect to the internet. This trick is suitable for use if you want to browse
in the long term. Try not to Disconnect for later
you can not connect again. Continue where the benefit? You pay a connection
5rb, then free the full. With the notes do not get
Disconnect. quite right,
rp.500,00 much as you like?
•This trick is for the CDMA card secret FREN
lies in the Proxy Port. Please note: Any Proxy
The Port has a Difference. Eg Proxy vietnam; Port: 554 I have included setting.
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enter the setting web browser (Firefox). But I also have
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Trojan Killer Trojan Killer
Don’t wait while trojans strike roots in your computer! Trojan Killer is a malicious computer software (malware) removal application. Samples of malware include various types of adware (displays unwanted advertising); spyware (may keep and send logs of your keyboard and mouse activity, such as credit card or personal identity information); hidden dialers (may initiate unsolicited phone call which then shows on your bill), and more.
If you are an active internet user, you should take steps to protect your sensitive personal information from possible cyber exposure. Trojan Killer will help you to timely identify and safely remove dangerous applications before it is too late. Don’t wait while malicious programs strike roots in your computer. This application will prevent them from ever reaching your PC.
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If you are an active internet user, you should take steps to protect your sensitive personal information from possible cyber exposure. Trojan Killer will help you to timely identify and safely remove dangerous applications before it is too late. Don’t wait while malicious programs strike roots in your computer. This application will prevent them from ever reaching your PC.
Rapid share pluss Rapid share pluss
Rapidshare site is widely used as media files uploaded largest. Only for download from this site is no limit, so to download lots of files very difficult. Well that's what this Plus Rapidshare function. Rapidshare Plus is software to download files from Rapidshare without limit.
On the internet very much the same function with the tools Rapidshare Plus. I've tried a few but to no avail. But only Rapidshare Plus I have used and managed
Plus software to download Rapidshare links HERE
RapidSharePlus size is very small, only 35.4 KB. Happy Downloading without any restrictions.
Note: How to use, you just copy the url in the box that there rapidshare enter your text files here. Then save the file where you want. Very Easy!
Adobe reader 9.3 Adobe reader 9.3
Adobe Reader is a simple standard application to open a PDF file on the Windows platform. Adobe Reader runs well on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Not only as a pdf file reader, but with this program we can also create pdf documents, printing and more.
Adobe Reader now comes with the latest version of Adobe Reader 9.3. With a simple view Adobe Reader is now lighter and faster. Adobe Reader is easy to use, because this program is one of the first PDF file reader program that has been there for more than a decade.
º Intel ® 1.3 GHz processor or equivalent
º Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 with Service Pack 4, Windows Server ® 2003, 2008 and 2008 R2, Windows XP ® Professional, Home Edition, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2 or 3 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows Vista ® Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise Service Pack 1 or 2 (32-bit and 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 7 Starter, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate or Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit )
º 128MB of RAM (256MB recommended)
º 335MB of available hard disk space (additional space required for installation)
º Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 6.0 with Service Pack 1, 7.0 or 8.0, Firefox 2.0, 3.0 or 5.3
File SIze: 38.28 MB
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Adobe Reader now comes with the latest version of Adobe Reader 9.3. With a simple view Adobe Reader is now lighter and faster. Adobe Reader is easy to use, because this program is one of the first PDF file reader program that has been there for more than a decade.
º Intel ® 1.3 GHz processor or equivalent
º Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 with Service Pack 4, Windows Server ® 2003, 2008 and 2008 R2, Windows XP ® Professional, Home Edition, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2 or 3 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows Vista ® Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise Service Pack 1 or 2 (32-bit and 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 7 Starter, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate or Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit )
º 128MB of RAM (256MB recommended)
º 335MB of available hard disk space (additional space required for installation)
º Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 6.0 with Service Pack 1, 7.0 or 8.0, Firefox 2.0, 3.0 or 5.3
File SIze: 38.28 MB

GlassCalc 1.30 GlassCalc 1.30
calculator program designed for Windows operating system and unlike other calculator programs, this program has no buttons at all just a textbox.
GlassCalc you can use a calculator program to replace the default Windows operating system. This program has no buttons at all, there are only a textbokx.
And if you want to do a calculation, multiplication, or other calculations, you can enter mathematical expressions into the textbox provided, and press enter.
File size: 4.6 MB (freeware)
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7

GOM Media Player GOM Media Player
Free software media player that you can make as the default application streaming music and video player to your collection.
GOM Media Player offers the features that do not fail with a media player software other famous. Support for various multimedia file formats are also presented to the satisfaction of users, including DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD, WMV, ASF, AVI, MOV, FLV1, AC3, OGG, MP4, and H263.
In addition, this application also features the Control Panel to facilitate users in customizing the various functions contained on this software, one of which is setting up an audio-video file view.
File size: 6.6 MB (freeware)
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

How to Secure a Folder and USB Drive How to Secure a Folder and USB Drive
Flash is now a personal objects owned by many people. Usually they use it to store images, data jobs, or other important files. Even for some portable programs that can be opened directly from flash without bothering to install in your computer.
Currently the use of flash is already a lot. If your computer has a lot of important data and most other people may be averse if in vain to copy files or important data with a flash, locking the drive is the right idea. Actually there be some tool or software that can be used to lock the drive. But this time we will do is to tweak the registry in our computer (cheap solution).
1. Click the Start menu> Run.
2. In the Run dialog box type regedit, and then click OK.
4. Once entered into the registry window, locate the following address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Current ControlSet \ Control \ StorageDevicePolicies.
5. If the Folder StorageDevicePolicies not exist in the registry, we can make it with Control-click the folder> right click select New> Key StorageDevicePolicies type.
6. Create a new DWORD Value, click Folder StorageDevicePolicies how right click> New> DWORD Value named WriteProtect. Then double click on WriteProtect and give the value 1 in Value data
8. Restart your computer your data is now more secure and can not be copied in vain.
good luck capcuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Currently the use of flash is already a lot. If your computer has a lot of important data and most other people may be averse if in vain to copy files or important data with a flash, locking the drive is the right idea. Actually there be some tool or software that can be used to lock the drive. But this time we will do is to tweak the registry in our computer (cheap solution).
1. Click the Start menu> Run.
2. In the Run dialog box type regedit, and then click OK.
4. Once entered into the registry window, locate the following address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Current ControlSet \ Control \ StorageDevicePolicies.
5. If the Folder StorageDevicePolicies not exist in the registry, we can make it with Control-click the folder> right click select New> Key StorageDevicePolicies type.
6. Create a new DWORD Value, click Folder StorageDevicePolicies how right click> New> DWORD Value named WriteProtect. Then double click on WriteProtect and give the value 1 in Value data
8. Restart your computer your data is now more secure and can not be copied in vain.
good luck capcuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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