Softkey Revealer berfungsi untuk menampilkan informasi serial number atau serial key program-program kita, sedikit berbeda dengan License Crawler, Softkey Revealer memberikan tampilan yang lebih sederhana dan lebih mudah. Hasil yang ditampilkan langsung nama program dan serial number-nya,
berbeda dengan LicenseCrawler yang memberikan informasi lain seperti user dan lokasi dari serial number tersebut di registry.Dengan Perangkat Gratis Portable ini memberikan kemudahan dalam mengetahu serial key dr suatu perangkat yg terinstal dalam satu Os.
File Size:151kb
Os: windows
Tambahan silakan download juga Beberapa serial number gratis Disini
cuma 22,1 Kb
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Yahoo Multi Messenger allows to use in the same time multiple Yahoo Messenger accounts. Just install this small piece of software and will be able to use two or more YM accounts in the same time.Classic version allow to use just one username.But maybe you have more than one account to talk with family and with business partners ,for example.
This application have just an .exe file who must be runned. Will patch ym.exe file. After that you will be able to open multiple instances of YM in the same time . You can disable this option if and when you need .
Editor's review:
•Unzip folder and run patch who make your computer able to use polygamy messenger.Is good for version 8 and down.This patch will detect the path for •Yahoo Messenger in your hard disk and will install the dll for that folder.If you do not have installed the main program in C: partition it is possible to not •working;in that case try to install YM on C disk.Install it now and talk with more friends than before,in two,threee or more accounts.
•Use more than one ID.Is good to read all included documentation before using Yahoo Messenger Polygamy .Also,includes a featured ad killer for this application.
File size:42.7Kb
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KillProcess 2.1 (Mematikan Proeses Running) KillProcess 2.1 (Mematikan Proeses Running)
KillProcess 2.1 is a Windows Utility used to kill any process, including services, running on a computer with Window XP. This application can kill several applications at the same time. Use it with caution as you can kill important and healthy processes runing in your computer.
At startup, the application enumerates the processes currently running in the system address space. It then fills the control with the names and identifiers of those running processes.
•The process enumeration represents the situation at the time the snapshot is taken. If a new process start after the enumeration takes place, it does not appear in the application control.
• The application updates the process enumeration each time a process is killed.
• The enumeration can be forced at any time by clicking the Refresh button
File Size:200kb
Os:windows all
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Transfer File Windows Installer ke CD Atau DVD Transfer File Windows Installer ke CD Atau DVD
Jika anda ingin mentransfer CD/DVD installer Windows ke dalam sebuah Flash Disk, anda bisa menggunakan aplikasi WinToFlash yang bisa didapatkan dengan gratis. Aplikasi ini akan mengcopy semua isi CD/DVD termasuk format file booting sehingga Flash Disk tersebut bisa digunakan untuk boting pada komputer maupun notebook.
Ada beberapa pilihan yang bisa yang bisa diperoleh pada aplikasi WinToFlash seperti cara mentransfer file Untuk menghemat waktu anda
dengan beberapa cara sebagai berikut
• Masukan CD atau Di DVD
• Pilih Transfer to USB Drive
• Tungguh Proses Transfer Data Selesai
• Silakan Bukan USB/Flash Disk anda Untuk mengecek Transfer data tersebut
File Size:6.86Mb
Os:windows All
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Trik Mengatasi Keyloger Di Facebook dengan sasaran Chip poker Trik Mengatasi Keyloger Di Facebook dengan sasaran Chip poker
Pencurian chips diwarnet paling banter dan paling sering dilakukan oleh para pencuri chips
adalah dengan menggunakan keylogger. Masalah ini pernah saya bahas pada postingan saya
sebelumnya tentang cara mencuri chips poker facebook.
Fungsi keylogger adalah merekam segala aktifitas keyboard anda (yang udah tau silahkan
lewat....) Sehingga username dan Password facebook anda dengan mudah diketahui oleh para
pencuri chips. Hal ini menjadi semakin mudah bagi para hacker karna keylogger mengirimkan
laporan mereka ke email si jurik ini. Sehingga si jurik tinggal pasang lalu tinggalkan TKP dan
menunggu korbannya mengetikkan email dan password facebooknya.
Jika anda ingin menghindari para jurik/ perampok chips warnet modus keylogger ini, anda bisa
menggunakan tips sederhana dari aya berikut ini:
-Jangan pernah menggunakan keyboard bawaan komputer kecuali anda tau cara menangani
keylogger ini
-gunakan onscreen keyboard. Program ini adalah program bawaan windows yang terdapat di All
Programs >> Accessories >> Accesibility >> On-Screen Keyboard
-Jika anda tetap ingin menggunakan keyboars, gunakanlah specil charackters seperti !@#$%^;*()
dsb sebagai password anda, beberapa keylogger tidak mampu melacak karakter ini.
-Sebisa mungkin untuk tidak melakukan aktifitas log in di warnet.
Dan demi keamanan chips anda lakukan Transfer menggunakan software yang satu ini,apabila keamanan akun anda telah di bobol
File Size: 112KB
Os: windows all
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ContactKeeper ContactKeeper
ContactKeeper is a free program to keep contact information about your friends, family, etc.
ContactKeeper is in fact an address book with an integrated birthday reminder!
It has among other things the possibility to store multiple e-mail addresses and phone numbers for each person.
The pick of the bunch is the possibility to let ContactKeeper generate a birthday calender based on the dates of birth of the persons in the database!
What's New in version 1.4.3:
-Bug fixed. When you searched in the quick search for the letter "p" you also got names with the combinantion "th" in the result list.
-When you uninstall ContactKeeper, the file association of .mdb files is no longer removed.
-At request, added a pink color scheme for the calendar.
-Tamil language file added.
-Bug fixed. The birthday calendar caused an error when february 29th was the last day in the database.
File Size:1.98MB
OS: Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP
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Ultimate Calculator v1.0 And Hot Notes Ultimate Calculator v1.0 And Hot Notes
Hott Notes is the free sticky notes reminder program for your desktop. It´s simple, yet attractive interface makes it intuitive and easy to use. Not only can you post sticky note reminders, you can make checklists, set alarms, draw on your notes, and archive.
Other features include a Notebook to organize your notes, a backup system to keep your notes safe, and much more.
File Size:3.85MB
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
This program is console-based, but it offers all you need to solve simple arithmetic.
OS: Win 2000/XP
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Rainlendar Lite 2.9 Rainlendar Lite 2.9
Rainlendar is a customizable calendar that displays the current month, events, and reminders. It is a very lightweight application that doesn´t use much system resources or take much space on your desktop.
-Small and lightweight
-Different type events can have different appearence
-Supports Windows transparency
-Synchronizes events between several clients
-Localized for multiple languages
-Shows an alarm when an event is due
-Supports iCal files.
-Shows Outlook's appointments
-Includes a todo-list
-Works also as Litestep plugin
-Displays the current date in tray icon
-Can stick to the desktop (i.e. doesn't hide with Show Desktop)
-Hotkeys for quick access
-Easy skinning with an UI
-Can be controlled from 3rd party applications with !bangs
and more...
-Enabled the 'Show in all desktops' setting in Mac (needed by Lion).
-The due date for Google tasks changed to the previous day because of timezone conversion.
-Newlines in the task description were not stored properly to Google tasks.
-The Google calendar is only shown as the target if the events/tasks are actually read from the server.
-Edit control was left visible when the window was hidden. This showed a small black dot on the desktop.
File Size:8.70MB
OS: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
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Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2009 Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2009
Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2009 is an essential tool for managing your small business.
With the look and feel of familiar Microsoft Office products, Office Accounting Express 2009 is easy to use and helps you save time, get organized, and do business online.
Whatever your idea, take it further with these great features:
-Create quotes and invoices
-Write checks, track expenses, and reconcile online bank accounts.
-Track expenses and employee time
-Manage payroll and taxes with ADP’s integrated payroll service
-Store and organize all your customer, vendor, employee, and financial information in one place
-List items on eBay
-Track sales activity, and download and process orders
-Email invoices and get paid faster with PayPal
-Monitor your customers’ business credit in real-time through Equifax.
-Follow the easy, step-by-step instructions in the Startup Wizard to get up and running quickly.
-Access helpful demos, step-by-step guides, and other product information from the new Resource Center.
-Import your existing financial data from other programs, such as Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Money, and Intuit QuickBooks.
-Find the features you need quickly with the intuitive and familiar Microsoft Office interface.
Important note: At this time, Office Accounting Express 2009 is designed for US based small businesses only and does not support local requirements outside of the US.
Note from FreewareFiles: As of November 16, 2009, Microsoft will no longer support this product.
System Requirements:
-Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack (SP) 2 or Windows Server 2003 with SP1 or Windows Vista and later operating systems
-Microsoft Office Word 2002 or later is required to create customized invoices, sales orders, quotes, customer credit memos, customer statements, and purchase orders.
-Microsoft Office XP (any edition) or later is required to export data to Microsoft Office Word or Excel.
-To share data among multiple computers, the host computer must be running Windows Server 2003 SP1 or later, or ----Windows XP Professional SP2 or later.2
-Internet Explorer 6.0 or later, 32 bit browser only.
-Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-in, Word 2007, or Outlook 2007, is required to send documents as e-mail attachments in PDF or XPS format.
-Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager SP4 or later is required to share financial data.
-Excel 2003 or later required to use Excel reports in Analysis Tools
File Size:161.43MB
OS: Windows XP/2003/Vista
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PDFCreator 1.2.3 PDFCreator 1.2.3
PDFCreator easily creates PDFs from any Windows program. Use it like a printer in Word, StarCalc or any other Windows application.
-Create PDFs from any program that is able to print
-Security: Encrypt PDFs and protect them from being opened, printed etc.
Send generated files via eMail
-Create more than just PDFs: PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS
-AutoSave files to folders and filenames based on Tags like Username, Computername, Date, Time etc.
-Merge multiple files into one PDF
-Easy Install: Just say what you want and everything is installed
-Terminal Server: PDFCreator also runs on Terminal Servers without problems
-And the best: PDFCreator is free, even for commercial use! It is Open Source and released under the Terms of the GNU General Public License.
File Size:17.73MB
OS: Win 9x/ME/2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7
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Simple PDF Merger v1.0 Simple PDF Merger v1.0
This utility allows you to merge multiple pages from multiple PDF files into one output file
File Size:855KB
OS: Win 98/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3
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JPEG to PDF 3.5 JPEG to PDF 3.5
A program for converting JPEG (.JPG) and JPEG2000 (.J2K or .JP2) files to PDF. This program now supports multiple images and multiple pages.
The program allows you to adjust position and size. Also, the program now supports additional image formats (BMP, GIF, PNG, TIF, WMF, EMF), multi-page images, unicode filenames, and a command-line syntax has been added.
File Size:77.7KB
OS: Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7
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Adobe Reader 10.1 Adobe Reader 10.1
This software lets you view and print Adobe PDF files on a variety of hardware and operating
system platforms. Acrobat Reader provides a host of features that enable you to submit PDF
forms created with fillable form fields to such applications as Adobe Acrobat Professional and
Adobe Form Designer.
Play back a variety of embedded multimedia content, such as QuickTime and MP3 files. Read
and organize high-fidelity e-books. Activate search and accessibility capabilities built into your
PDF files, and display Adobe Photoshop Album slide shows and electronic cards. This version
offers enhanced performance with faster loading and zooming, expanded device compatibility, and
extended application support for files attached to PDF documents.
File Size:50.24MB
OS:Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
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doPDF 7.2.370 word to PDF doPDF 7.2.370 word to PDF
doPDF is a free PDF converter for both personal and commercial use. Using doPDF you can create searchable PDF files by selecting the "Print" command from virtually any application. With one click you can convert your Microsoft Excel, Word or PowerPoint documents or your emails and favorite web sites to PDF files.
doPDF installs itself as a virtual printer driver so after a successful installation will appear in your Printers and Faxes list. To create PDF files, you just have to print your documents to the doPDF pdf converter. Open a document (with Microsoft Word, WordPad, NotePad or any other software), choose Print and select doPDF. It will ask you where to save the PDF file and when finished, the PDF file will be automatically opened in your default PDF viewer.
No Ghostscript - doesn’t require 3rd party programs to create PDF files (like Ghostscript)
Customizable resolution - choose any resolution from 72 dpi to 2400 dpi
Predefined/custom page sizes - choose a default page size (like Letter, Legal, A4, A5, A6, ...) or define your own
Searchable PDFs - you can search for text within the generated PDF file (and search engines will also index the text from the PDF)
Multilanguage support - choose a language for the user interface
File Size:3.99MB
OS:Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
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EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition 9.1.0 EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition 9.1.0
EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition is a FREE disk partitioning utility for extending system
partition, better disk space management, settling low disk space problem under Windows
2000/XP/Vista/7 (for 32bit Only).
You can create, delete, format partitions on your hard diskquickly and easily. The most attractive
feature is that it can resize/move your partitions by using the free spaces without destroying data.
What's more, the freeware works perfectly with hardware RAID and laptops like HP, Dell, etc.
Your data is completely
File Size:11.16MB
OS:Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
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Sofware Chat Facebook untuk Handphone atau HP Sofware Chat Facebook untuk Handphone atau HP
Aplikasi atau sofware Chat Facebook untuk Handphone atau HP Bagian 1 adalah Nimbuzz. Maka pada Aplikasi Chat Facebook untuk Handphone atau HP Bagian 2 ini M.A akan membahas tentang aplikasi ebuddy yang bisa anda download langsung dari blog ini.
Chat facebook di HP dengan ebuddy
eBuddy adalah sebuah aplikasi pengirim pesan instan melalui jaringan internet berbasiskan web dan telepon selular. eBuddy mendukung beragam layanan pengiriman pesan instan, dianataranya Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger, AIM, ICQ, Facebook, dan Myspace IM. Saat ini eBuddy menggunakan teknologi patent-pending bulanan yang memungkinkan jutaan pelanggan untuk chatting gratis dengan berbagai pesan instan di salah satu kumpulan interface jaringan dan protokol pesan instan. Pada aplikasi yang berbasiskan web, eBuddy dapat digunakan tanpa harus mengunduh atau menginstal aplikasi apapun di komputer. Pengguna hanya perlu koneksi internet dan menggunakan web browsernya untuk menjalankan eBuddy versi web. Kemudahan ini memungkinkan bagi pengguna yang ingin melakukan chatting di komputer publik yang bersifat terbatas akses instalasinya. Berbeda dengan versi web, pada aplikasi yang berbasiskan telepon selular, pengguna harus terlebih dahulu mengunduh dan menginstal aplikasi eBuddy pada telepon selular miliknya agar dapat menjalankan eBuddy.
Pada beberapa ponsel atau HP keluaran baru aplikasi atau sofware eBuddy ini sudah di bundle didalamnya, tapi untuk HP lama dan beberapa HP baru lainnya aplikasi chat untuk Facebook ini belum terinstalasi. Jai bagi anda yang ingin mendownload nya bisa mendapatkannya secara langsung dengan mendownloadnya dengan alamat link Download
Atau Anda Ingin menambah icon chat Pada saat Anda Typing di FB Yaitu Menggunakan Facebook Chatbar V. 3.7 adalah Add-ons yang digunakan untuk menampilkan emotion (smiley, icon) didalam facebook.
Dengan adanya Facebook Chatbar pada facebook kita, maka chating di facebook pun akan terasa semakin menarik karena kita bisa mengekpresikan nya melalui emotion. Instal
Selamat mendownload dan selamat ber chat ria di Facebook.
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Mengatasi Virus yang Menyerang Facebook Mengatasi Virus yang Menyerang Facebook
Akhit-akhir ini sedang marak di pemberitaan tentang muncul nya virus Facebook.
Virus ini memanfaatkan popularitas Facebook untuk menyerang target korbannya.
Sebenar nya bila di Facebook anda tidak sembarang mengklik file, video atau link mencurigakan, maka kemungkinan terkena virus ini pun semakin kecil.
Berikut dibawah ini contoh Video yang berisi virus mematikan itu.
Perhatikan gambar Video dibawah ini.
Gambar diatas adalah tautan dinding video bervirus yang disebarkan,yang sekilas terlihat seperti file video.
Saran bila anda melihat gambar film atau video apapun yang tidak jelas asal usul nya seperti gambar diatas, maka jangan di klik. Karena Link atau tautan dari Film atau video ini berisi malware dan bila anda klik maka secara otomatis tanpa ampun virus akan melakukan instalasi secara otomatis saat kita mengklik tautan tersebut dan langsung menginfeksi Facebook kita.
Motif cara yang digunakan mirip dengan di Yahoo Messenger. Di Yahoo Messenger cara yang digunakan juga sama dengan memberikan link dan file bervirus dan apabila di klik otomatis akun Yahoo Messenger kita terinfeksi virus.
mmm...sunguh luar biasa si Cracker ini, sampai saat ini para Hacker Facebook belum bisa menutup kelemahan system untuk mennoaktipkan virus ini.
Menurut Alfons Tanujaya, Senior Vaksinis dari, jika kita sudah terlanjur terinfeksi, masih ada cara untuk menanganinya, yaitu dengan melakukan uninstall aplikasi tadi.
Berikut langkahnya:
1. Login pada akun Facebook.
2. Pada bagian kanan atas layar klik [Account] lalu pilih [Application Settings]. Anda akan mendapatkan layar “Application Settings – Recently Used”.
3. Arahkan mouse anda pada tanda silang [X] di aplikasi yang bernama “Winamp”.
4. Klik tombol "Remove" pada jendela konfirmasi yang muncul.
5. Refresh browser, dan pastikan aplikasi "Winamp" sudah lenyap.
Selain Virus diatas juga terdapat virus Koobface. Koobface adalah sejenis trojan yang disebarkan untuk menyerang pengguna Facebook dan juga beberapa jejaring social networking lainnya seperti Friendster, My Yearbook dan Bebo.
Agar anda tidak terkena virus ini, berikut langkah antisipasi yang harus anda lakukan untuk menghindari virus ini:
1. Jangan mengklik Link dan file yang mencurigakan, jangan download plugin atau sofware dan menginstalnya, bila itu bukan resmi dari Facebook.
Bila anda tidak tahu itu apa, maka jangan di klik dan biarkan saja, itu jauh lebih baik ketimbang anda mengambil resiko.
2. Jangan sembarangan mengklik email dari Facebook. Karena semua email notifikasi dari Facebook yang dikirimkan ke email anda belum tentu semua murni dari Facebook, karena bisa juga terdapat email palsu.
Virus Koobface ini system kerja nya dengan memanfaatkan email notifikasi yang mirip dengan email notifikasi dari facebook.
Contoh salah satu email nya adalah seperti email permintaan pertemanan yang meminta anda untuk mengklik nya.
Sehingga apabila anda membuka email tersebut dan mengklik link dalam email tersebut, maka komputer anda sedang dalam tahap terinfeksi worm ini. Ini dikarenakan link tadi mengarahkan anda ke worm yang menyarankan Anda untuk mengupdate Flash, yang sebenar nya itu adalah virus dan bila bila anda instal, maka sudah dipastikan komputer anda terinfeksi virus.
3. Bila anda mengklik suatu link, dan link tersebut mengarahkan anda kepada suatu situs yang berisi spam seperti avert_blog_koobface atau apapun itu jenis nya dan mencurigakan, maka jangan anda lanjutkan untuk mengeklik nya dan langsung close saja situs tersebut. Akan tetapi bila saat anda close situs tersebut, tetapi selalu muncul spam (pesan sampah) sehingga anda tidak bisa keluar dari situs tersebut, maka anda tinggal klik CTRL + ALT + DELETE secara bersamaan dari keyboard anda, pada pesan yang muncul lalu klik browser yang anda gunakan (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, dll) dan klik End Task, bila ada permintaan untuk simpan sebelum keluar pilih saja keluar dan jangan simpan. maka browser anda akan tertutup. Setelah itu anda buka kembali browser anda dan bila ada pesan yang muncul yang inti nya ingin membuka situs yang tadi telah anda buka, pilih saja tidak dan mulai dengan jendela browser yang baru.
4. Bila komputer anda telah terjangkit virus Facebook ini, anda bisa kunjungi situs resmi facebook di dan kirimkan pertanyaan seputar virus ini untuk mendapatkan solusi nya Facebook Security
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Waspadalah Acount Facebook Anda Waspadalah Acount Facebook Anda
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
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Rising PC Doctor Gratis Rising PC Doctor Gratis
Sering bermasalah dengan 'kejahatan' yang terjadi pada sistem komputer kesayangan Anda? Inilah salah satu solusi yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk melindungi, memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kinerja sistem komputer milik Anda.
Rising PC Doctor adalah aplikasi gratis yang didesain untuk menjadi security tool yang profesional dan smart. Fitur dan fungsi yang dimiliki aplikasi yang satu ini cukup lengkap, meskipun Anda bisa mendapatkannya secara cuma-cuma.
Aplikasi ini memiliki tujuh fungsi penting, antara lain menganalisis malware secara otomatis, mensterilkan perangkat USB, mampu memperbaiki Microsoft Internet Explorer & Windows, Mampu mendeteksi dan menghalangi masuknya Trojan, melindungi dari situs jahat, melindungi Internet Explorer protection dan menghalangi Trojan Download.
Dengan perangkat lunak yang satu, Anda akan merasa aman dalam mengoperasikan komputer atau pada saat menjelajah internet, karena aplikasi ini bisa menjadi pelindung dari berbagai 'kejahatan' yang ada di sistem, seperti malware, trojan, viruses, dan berbagai aksi 'jahat' lainnya.
File size: 9.04 MB
Os: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
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Disc Burner V.3.0.6 Disc Burner V.3.0.6
Free Disc Burner writes any files, folders (data) to any disc as well as writes multisession discs (there is a possibility to write up files to the same disc), erases information from a disc, supports Blu-Ray.
Supported Media Types: BD-R / BD-RE (Blu-Ray), DVD-R Double Layer, DVD-R Dual Layer, DVD+R / DVD+RW, DVD-R / DVD-RW, DVD-RAM, CD-R / CD-RW.
Program's Features:
• Support of buffer protection technologies (BurnProof, JustLink, etc.);
• Speed detection;
• Possibility to customize file systems of the disc;
• Full/quick erase functionality;
• support of all drives that are recognized by Windows OS;
• Multisession or disc-at-once burning to ALL supported media formats including Blu-Ray (BD-R and BD-RE);
• Writing of ISO images to ALL supported media formats including Blu-Ray (BD-R and BD-RE);
• Easy file/folder manipulation;
• Import of all existing data from the disc;
• Support of UNICODE file and folder names for multi-byte;
• Support of Turn Off Computer function when burning is finished;
• Burning DVD video if VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders are added.
Free Disc Burner contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
Enjoy Browsing
File Size:14.0Mb
Os:Windows All
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Audio CD Burner V.1.5.2 Audio CD Burner V.1.5.2
Free Audio CD Burner creates CD discs to play them in any music center such as disc center, car stereo with CD player, etc.
Program's Features:
∧ Burns CD-R and CD-RW discs;
∧ Erases information from rewriteable discs;
∧ Supports a variety of audio formats including mp3, wav, aac, m4a, m4b, wma, ogg,flac, ra, ram, amr, ape, mka, tta, aiff, au, mpc, spx, ac3;
∧ Decodes and writes compressed audio formats on-the fly (no staging to hard drive is required);
∧ Lets you easily create a list of audio recordings.
You can select a Write Method in the program:
• TrackAtOnce (set by default) (the program burns each track individually, one at a time. You can leave the disc unfinalized and add tracks to an existing session);
• DiscAtOnce (the program burns the entire disc at once and finalizes it).
Free Audio CD Burner uses Windows burning engine (IMAPI).
Free Audio CD Burner contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:14.0Mb
Os:Windows All
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DVD Video Burnerv.3.1.2 and DVD Decrypter DVD Video Burnerv.3.1.2 and DVD Decrypter
Free DVD Video Burner writes prepared folders Video_TS from your PC (hard drive) to a DVD disc which can be played on all home DVD players.
Free DVD Video Burner contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:8.45Mb
Os:Windows All
Free DVD Decrypter. Copy video DVD to your computer hard drive with one mouse click.
Very fast and easy.
Free DVD Decrypter contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:8.36Mb
Os:Windows All
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Audio Dub Versi.1.7.9 Audio Dub Versi.1.7.9
The fastest way to edit audio files!
Free Audio Dub is the free audio editing software that lets you delete unwanted parts from audio files without re-encoding.
And "without re-encoding" means without loosing original quality!!! This is a lossless conversion, which is very fast.
Supports many audio formats: MP3, WAV, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG, WMA .
Free Audio Dub contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:11.31Mb
Os:Windows All
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Video Flip and Rotate V.1.8.13 Video Flip and Rotate V.1.8.13
Free Video Flip and Rotate. Rotate video or flip video with one mouse click.
Very fast and easy. 7 predefined presets:
- rotate video 90 CW;
- rotate video 180;
- rotate video 90 CCW;
- flip video horizontal;
- flip video vertical;
- flip video vertical and rotate 90 CW;
- flip video vertical and rotate 90 CCW.
Free Video Flip and Rotate contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:21.22Mb
Os:Windows XP/Vista/7
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3D Video Maker V.1.1.2 3D Video Maker V.1.1.2
Free 3D Video Maker. Now you can make 3D video all by yourself!
The extraordinary feature of the program is that you can create a 3D video using just one source video file as well as two files.
Free 3D Video Maker is extremely simple in its usage. You can take two videos captured with a small horizontal shift and just get them processed by the program and that's it - your 3D movie is right there! And same easily you can perfectly do with only one video file. Just open the program, select the file, tick ''single source file'', click ''Make 3D!'' - and there it is!
Free 3D Video Maker contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:9.53Mb
Os:Windows All
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Facebook Share This Tools Facebook Share This Tools
ShareThis makes it easier and more efficient then ever before to share any type of content you wish with anyone you care to share with... With mashed up online address books and posting to MySpace and Facebook plus a free Sharebox for archiving things you shared ShareThis helps you sharify the web
ShareThis makes it easier and more efficient then ever before to share any type of content you wish with anyone you care to share with. With mashed up online address books and posting to MySpace and Facebook plus a free Sharebox for archiving things you shared ShareThis helps you sharify the web
With ShareThis you can:
• Share without hunting for addresses: ShareThis lets you mash up your address books from MySpace, Facebook, AIM , Outlook and more
• Share with all your friends at the same time; ShareThis lets you send messages to MySpace, FaceBook, AIM and regular email simultaneously and without signing in to any other account
• Post directly to your personal Facebook or
MySpace page (other pages added soon)
• Archive everything you’ve shared with the free online ShareBox
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Shows a slideshow of all images on a page Shows a slideshow of all images on a page
With one single click AutoSlideshow generates an image slideshow within Firefox. The slideshow contains all images on the current page or images linked to from the current page...
This is mainly useful for pages with no possibility for image browsing, but you can uses it for viewing slideshows of images on your harddisk as well.
Beside the slideshow it is possible to browse the images one by one using back and forward buttons, view an overview page of all detected images and save all images on disk.
Be aware that images and linked images are only detected if they are in pure html. So the extension is mainly thought to be used for simple pages.
Special support for:
∧ flickr
∧ wikipedia
∧ google image search
∧yahoo image search
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Notre Dame Facebook Style Facebook tools Notre Dame Facebook Style Facebook tools
This script makes Facebook have a University of Notre Dame style with a custom header and a ND theme throughout. Also blocks...
This script makes Facebook have a University of Notre Dame style with a custom header and a ND theme throughout. Also blocks ads that occasionally appear at either the side or the bottom of the screen.
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Uploader for Facebook V.1.0.5 Uploader for Facebook V.1.0.5
Free Uploader for Facebook perfectly suits everybody who is constantly using Facebook and who would like to have more videos and images in their account, share and discuss them with their friends.
The program is very simple in its usage. After getting through rapid installation process, you just open the program and browse for videos or images you want to upload to Facebook.
Note: You need to log in to your Facebook account in order to be able to upload media with Free Uploader for Facebook. The program will prompt you to log in and then will proceed to uploading. Within a couple of minutes the uploaded videos and images are available in your Facebook account.
Free Uploader for Facebook contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:15.49Mb
Os: windows All
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3D Photo Maker Versi.2.0.12 3D Photo Maker Versi.2.0.12
Free 3D Photo Maker. Make 3D content yourself!
The program allows you to create 3D pictures using one source image as well as two source images.
In order to create a 3D image out of one picture, just check "Use single image" box. For creating 3D out of two images, take two shots of a still set object captured with a small horizontal shift (usually the distance must be about 2-3 inches to have the right scene).
In both cases the images are inserted into the program and next second a 3D image is created in the location which you define on your PC. Please note that in order to watch the output 3D picture it is necessary to use stereo anaglyph glasses.
Free 3D Photo Maker contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:18.99Mb
Os: Windows All
Sory Ner PInjem Duluh Imagenya
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Image Convert and Resize Versi.2.1.13 Image Convert and Resize Versi.2.1.13
Free Image Convert and Resize is a compact yet powerful program for batch mode image processing.
The program easily converts separate images as well as file folders containing images into different graphic formats, renames, reorders them and changes their size in accordance with the set parameters.
Supported image file formats: jpg, png, bmp, gif, tga, pdf (export only).
Free Image Convert and Resize contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:10.62Mb
Os:Windows XP/Vista/7
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Video to JPG Converter Versi.2.1.1 Video to JPG Converter Versi.2.1.1
Free Video to JPG Converter. Extract frames from video files to JPG files with one mouse click.
It is an ideal tool to make photo galeries from your home video. You can extract for example every hundredth video frame or frames in every 10 seconds.
Very fast and easy.
This free program contains no spyware,Malware,Virus,Trojan or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:13.87MB
Os:Windows All
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Free Screen Video Recorder Versi.2.5.18 Free Screen Video Recorder Versi.2.5.18
Free Screen Video Recorder is a compact, yet full-featured screen video recorder and screenshot capture tool that allows you to easily record screen activities and capture anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen and rectangular regions.
You can choose to save captures to file, clipboard or print them out directly from the program window.
Built-in editing tools include basic functions like resizing, cropping and rotating.
Free Screen Video Recorder saves video files as AVI and image files in BMP, JPEG, GIF, TGA or PNG formats.
Free Screen Video Recorder contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run
File Size:10.39MB
Os: Windows All
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Spamihilator client Spamihilator client
Spamihilator works between your E-Mail client and the Internet and examines every incoming E-Mail. Useless spam mails (Junk) will be filtered out. This process runs completely in the background.
The Learning Filter (Bayesian Filter) uses the rules of Thomas Bayes (English mathematician, 18th century) and calculates a certain Spam-Probability for every E-Mail. You can train this filter! So it will know your messages even better than you. Hence the recognition rate will continuously increase.
The program works with almost every E-Mail client, such as Outlook 2000/XP/2003/Express, Eudora, Mozilla Thunderbird, IncrediMail, Pegasus Mail, Phoenix Mail, Opera, etc... It supports POP and IMAP accounts, as well as secure connections. Spam Recognition Filters: The Learning Filter recognizes more than 98% of all incoming spam mails. Use the Training Area, to increase the recognition rate continuously. You can also specify certain words, that often appear in spam mails. The Spam-Word-Filter will look for these words The Link Filter searches incoming messages for links to spam websites The DCC-Filter connects with the DCC Network to recognize unsolicited bulk mail. File size: 2.07MB (2,171,904 bytes) Os: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
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The Learning Filter (Bayesian Filter) uses the rules of Thomas Bayes (English mathematician, 18th century) and calculates a certain Spam-Probability for every E-Mail. You can train this filter! So it will know your messages even better than you. Hence the recognition rate will continuously increase.
The program works with almost every E-Mail client, such as Outlook 2000/XP/2003/Express, Eudora, Mozilla Thunderbird, IncrediMail, Pegasus Mail, Phoenix Mail, Opera, etc... It supports POP and IMAP accounts, as well as secure connections. Spam Recognition Filters: The Learning Filter recognizes more than 98% of all incoming spam mails. Use the Training Area, to increase the recognition rate continuously. You can also specify certain words, that often appear in spam mails. The Spam-Word-Filter will look for these words The Link Filter searches incoming messages for links to spam websites The DCC-Filter connects with the DCC Network to recognize unsolicited bulk mail. File size: 2.07MB (2,171,904 bytes) Os: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
thumbdrive thumbdrive
Thumb drive data yang efisien cadangan perangkat lunak langsung salvages dokumen teks dapat diakses berharga, gambar, foto, trek musik di semua ekstensi file utama termasuk jpeg, jpg, png, bmp, html, doc, pdf, midi, mp3, mp4 dll Gratis USB pemulihan data aplikasi melakukan restorasi dapat diandalkan file dan folder yang hilang atau rusak akibat kehilangan data kondisi termasuk format disk tidak disengaja, perangkat keras / lunak rusak, gangguan listrik, mengusir virus induk terinfeksi, logis jatuh pen drive banyak. Memory stick Terjangkau file program salvages terhapus atau data yang hilang bahkan setelah pesan error seperti Drive tidak terdeteksi? ditampilkan pada layar komputer sambil mengakses thumb drive penyimpanan media yang rusak. Free USB perangkat lunak pemulihan data yang mendukung kebangkitan hilang folder kantor yang berharga, dokumen teks, direktori, sub direktori dari semua merek utama dari memory stick termasuk Sony, Apacer, Kingston, Transcend, Memorex, SimpleTech, Toshiba dan banyak lagi. Thumb drive Powerfull file aplikasi kebangkitan menggunakan teknik canggih mencari dan pemindaian untuk dengan mudah menyelamatkan direktori penting gambar, foto, foto, audio-video kliping dalam waktu pemrosesan kurang. Free USB program pemulihan data menggunakan pendekatan yang sederhana dan unik untuk mengambil kehilangan MS-akses, MS-excel folder dari pen drive diformat. Download
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Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF) baru saja memperkenalkan Miro 4, di mana software ini disebut-sebut menjadi desktop media player open-source terbaik yang tersedia di pasaran pada saat ini. Software ini memungkinkan Anda mengelola koleksi musik digital iTunes mulai dari library untuk video, playlist dan aplikasi di satu tempat, selain itu juga bisa melakukan sinkronisasi library digital Anda dengan perangkat Android juga.
Anda tidak hanya bisa menikmati kebebasan dan fleksibilitas open source dengan Miro 4, Anda juga akan mendapatkan manfaat dari antarmuka/user interface yang elegan, user-friendly. Miro 4 tersedia untuk di-download untuk PC, Mac dan sistem Linux, jadi apa yang kamu tunggu?
Miro 4 adalah software terbuka di mana berdasarkan konsep open network , akan memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengakses, berbagi dan mengontrol media digital mereka tanpa dibelenggu oleh kendala proprietary. Pengguna Android akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari pengalaman sinkronisasi yang cepat, mulus, mudah dan konsisten yang dapat dikatakan menjadi salah satu desktop media player terbaik yang tersedia.
Dave Glassco, Presiden PCF, menyatakan, “Ponsel Android ini melebihi pangsa pasar iPhone, tapi kebanyakan orang masih menggunakan iTunes pada desktop mereka. Desktop player telah menjadi komponen yang hilang untuk mengelola media pada perangkat Android. Hal ini menunjukkan masalah yang berusaha ditangani Miro 4 -. ekosistem terbuka membutuhkan pengalaman video dan musik desktop yang oke.”
Ayo download Miro 4 di Download
NetBrain Untuk mempelajari ketrampilan jaringan NetBrain Untuk mempelajari ketrampilan jaringan
Peta NetBrain Edisi Lite adalah software gratis yang dirancang untuk membantu para profesional
jaringan untuk mempelajari keterampilan jaringan lebih mudah dan lebih cepat. Misalnya, Anda
Certified Internetwork Expert ), CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional )atau CCNA (Cisco
Certified Network Associate Routing & Switching) dengan peta data-driven.. Menggunakan
NetBrain Peta Edisi Lite, diagram jaringan dinamis dapat dibuat langsung dengan berbagai cara.
Misalnya, Anda dapat drag dan drop file konfigurasi perangkat jaringan Anda untuk membangun
sebuah diagram jaringan secara otomatis hanya dalam beberapa detik. Peta data-driven jaringan
Perangkat lunak ini dilengkapi dengan banyak fitur besar lainnya seperti desain jaringan
decoding.untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang CCIE(Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert ),
CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional )atau CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate
Routing & Switching)silakan joint ke jobitcom. Download
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Viviti blog Viviti blog
Overview of
Viviti started as a big idea in the small town of Parksville on the West coast of Canada.
What if we throw away the conventional idea of a CMS (content management system) and make it so you can edit your site while viewing it, right in your browser? We sold the idea immediately, and set out to create it.
After a year of careful planning and development we finally launched the open beta, and within 3 months of serving thousands of customers happy.
Now Viviti serve personal blog, small business websites, news sites, bands, churches, pet groomers, artists, musicians, and ... well, anything. People flocked to Viviti by the thousands and we are happy to continue doing what we do - allow people to create and maintain a large dynamic website search.
Viviti is a Content Management System and Website Builder that allows you to easily build your own dynamic website, either by selecting one of our premade themes or make your own themes using only html and css.
It's all hosted for you and all the management and creation is done in your browser.
iniah explanation when you join the webblog where in this bog you can update your twitter status and Viviti SignUp
Free YouTube to MP3 Converter V3.10.8 Free YouTube to MP3 Converter V3.10.8
Use Free YouTube to MP3 Converter to download mp3 from all possible YouTube videos. This YouTube mp3 converter downloads mp3 from:
∧ a single YouTube video;
∧ complete YouTube playlists and show lists;
∧ all video from YouTube charts;
∧ all video responses to a YouTube video;
∧ all videos of a selected YouTube user or a channel;
∧ all video from the user favorites.
The output files are downloaded as MP3 (economy, standard, extreme and insane quality) or WAV (lossless audio) files into the program's folder in My Documents, and they retain the name of the source video.
Free YouTube to MP3 Converter does even more work for you. It automatically fills the title tag and the artwork in the downloaded mp3 files, which can be seen in iTunes, Winamp or just a Windows Explorer folder.
Free YouTube to MP3 Converter contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
Exclusive Features: download RTMP streaming video, download embedded YouTube videos from different websites, download Top YouTube video lists from different websites, download a youtube playlist, download a youtube channel, download youtube favourites, download youtube charts.
File Size:13.88MB
Os:Windows XP/Vista
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Free YouTube Download 3.0.13 Free YouTube Download 3.0.13
Free YouTube Download. Download all possible YouTube videos to your computer:
• a single YouTube video;
• complete YouTube playlists and show lists;
• all video from YouTube charts;
• all video responses to a YouTube video;
• all videos of a selected YouTube user or a channel;
• all video from the user favorites.
Discover all new features of re-designed Free YouTube Download:
• add URLs and set video quality while downloading;
•save your downloading history and in case you lost some videos search them by title;
• detect the type of the video stored on YouTube and download the exact quality that you see there;
• check the YouTube thumbnails in the program interface;
• download videos which require YouTube authorization via Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome;
• download Artist’s Playlists.
Free YouTube Download contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:13.26MB
Os:Windows XP/Vista
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Free YouTube Uploader is the first PC desktop application to upload video to YouTube without using the original YouTube web interface. If you often upload videos, this program will be a good companion for you as it supports batch mode upload.
Now Free YouTube Uploader is able to upload bigger files (up to 1 gb), to show real time progress of the uploading process as well as to set videos as private or public.
This free program contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:15.40MB
Os:Windows XP/Vista
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Free YouTube to DVD Converter V.3.0.0 Free YouTube to DVD Converter V.3.0.0
Free YouTube to DVD Converter. Download and burn YouTube video to DVD:
• a single YouTube video;
•complete YouTube playlists and show lists;
• all video from YouTube charts;
• all video responses to a YouTube video;
•all videos of a selected YouTube user or a channel;
• all video from the user favorites.
The program is very simple: just insert some YouTube links and you will have a DVD for home player as the output.
Free YouTube to DVD Converter supports batch mode. You can download several videos from YouTube or whole YouTube playlists during one session. The program automatically creates a simple and functional DVD menu.
Free YouTube to DVD Converter contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
Exclusive Features: download RTMP streaming video, download embedded YouTube videos from different websites, download Top YouTube video lists from different websites, download a youtube playlist, download a youtube channel, download youtube favourites, download youtube charts.
File Size:15.58MB
Os:Windows XP/Vista
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Free Video to Android Converter V.2.3.2 Free Video to Android Converter V.2.3.2
Convert video files to MP4 format (MPEG4, AAC) compatible with your Android OS device. You can save videos in high, standard and economy quality.
Free Video to Android Converter supports such popular Android OS devices as Acer AOD250, Acer Aspire One, Acer beTouch, Acer Liquid, Acer Liquid E, Acer Liquid Ferrari, Acer Stream, Altek Leo, Garmin Asus A10, Google Nexus One, HTC Desire, HTC Dream, HTC Hero, HTC Legend, HTC Nexus One, HTC Tattoo, HTC Wildfire, Motorola Backflip, Motorola Cliq, Motorola Devour, Motorola Droid, Motorola FlipOut, Motorola i1, Motorola MileStone, Samsung Behold II, Samsung Galaxy, Samsung Moment, Sony Xperia X10 mini, etc.
Input file formats: avi,ivf, div, divx,ogv,mpg,mpeg, mpe,mp4, m4v, wmv, asf, mov, qt, ts, mts, m2t, m2ts,mod,tod, 3gp2, 3gpp, 3gp, 3g2, dvr-ms,vro, flv, f4v, amv, rm, rmm, rv, rmvb, mkv.
Free Video to Android Converter contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.
File Size:15.5MB
Os:Windows XP/Vista
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