Waza Billah

Laki-laki, 90 tahun

Sumbawa, Indonesia

Pada dasarnya Segalah Jenis Pengetahuan Pada diri manusia bersumber pada zat Yang MAHA AGUNG.
Thx to Blogger Devloper

Template hadir,merupakan inspirasi windows

Copy Right © 2013 Apache-Sumbawa

Apache Sumbawa

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MetroTwit 0.5.0 Beta Change Log
- Redesigned tweet layout for readability and ease-of-use
- Added Shrtn.co, j.mp, Karmacracy, Google URL shorteners
- Added Twitlonger support
- Added conversations support to Twitter search columns
- Completely rearchitected auto-complete with improved performance
- Fixed avatars not displaying at all
- Fixed icons for “Metro” consistency
- Added Twitter entities support (usernames, URLs and hashtags should be consistent with Twitter.com)

- Added setting to disable auto-complete functionality
- Added setting to disable spell check functionality
- Added relative/absolute timestamp settings
- Fixed Cleartype on popup columns
- Fixed API rate limit exceeded error not displayed in local timezone
File size: 419KB
Os: Windows (All Versions)
License: Freeware