A fun application called Tweetwasters created to make simple calculations about how much time do you use for Twitter. although impressed useless and not at all accurate, the application is feasible for the try. following his steps.
• This website is fairly simple interface, you simply type in your Twitter username in the text field provided. Click Calculate to proceed.
• Done. step is very simple is not it? This application assumes that each tweet takes 30 seconds before publishing. later, this application will be multiplying the time by the number of tweets that have been published by the username. Suppose there is one user who has the 6655 tweet, then the user is already using 199 650 seconds, or 3328 minutes, which is equivalent to 55.46 hours, or 2.31 days. Interestingly, after the time you finish is calculated, there is always a funny word that says too bad that much time "banished" to Twitter. in addition, at the bottom of the website also contained a statement which reads "This website is very, very useful (useless), and created by @ barrywise ...". However, if you are more wise in thought, you certainly can understand their intent as to say there are quite a lot of time that could be used instead of "just playing" Twitter. Deti thirty seconds it was just assumed to publish tweets. to read it? of course it took much longer. is not it?
If you have a great social networking software recommendation that helps you stay up to date on Twitter,you are interested from what I write above? please visit
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