Waza Billah

Laki-laki, 90 tahun

Sumbawa, Indonesia

Pada dasarnya Segalah Jenis Pengetahuan Pada diri manusia bersumber pada zat Yang MAHA AGUNG.
Thx to Blogger Devloper

Template hadir,merupakan inspirasi windows

Copy Right © 2013 Apache-Sumbawa

Apache Sumbawa

pitas free blog

Hey chief, (This is said Remarks First, if you visit the website pitas.com, tired to update the "News" page for your web site and wish to update your pages easily, quickly and from a web browser? Or maybe you want to let a few friends you add news or links to your page, witout giving them access to your normal web page? Or you sick editing html pages all the time and then ftping them to your site? Well you're in luck!
    Pitas.com now offers a free and easy way to update the pages with an easy to use web interface. Most people use their Pitas page to create a kind of page "latest news" to their sites, or weblogs (essentially a list of links with some commentary that is updated frequently) Sign up and you can have its own page Pitas (with a url like yourname. pitas.com) which you can update from a web browser, without busying themselves around with uploading, editing pages, and all that rubbish waste of time. You can customize to look however you wish, or use one of the templates that we've made, and you can give your friends access to it so you all can have your page all to contribute, without they have access to all web sites (if You have one it is). What fun! Are not you nice? Of course you do!

is to select the sites you want to have your blog hosting. Or maybe you'd rather host the site on your web server itself. Keep in mind if you decide to host the site on your own server, you will need to have ftp access from outside the site (although you might work on the blog from your work, that page will get ftp 'from the site you use, such as Blogger, etc.) .
If you decide to host your site through a blog hosting service, which seems like a way to go out if you do not want to have to deal with the hassles server. then you will need to register with username and password. Then you can fill out the information for your blog - remember that you can change this information later. Finally, you can choose a template for your wonderful site! joint Pitas SignUp COM safe blogging


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