Know Attribute files or folders, download Hidden file tool
For friends who are already familiar with computers will know that each file has the attribute. Try to right click a file and choose Properties menu, then on the part / General tab at the bottom there is information that there are three options Attributes Read-only, Hidden, Archive. Most already know the point, Read-only for the file can be read only uneditable, Hidden for files do not appear, when the hidden option is enabled (through the Folder Options menu, View tab in the Advanced settings, the option Show hidden files and folders) and Archive which shows an archive file, or for backup.
If only these three attributes, then we easily change change that. But there are several other attributes that are not shown, namely Normal, Offline, Temporary and System. One of the most important is the System, this attribute is used if a file is important Windows system file. If this attribute is active then the Hidden option will not be changed (disabled). Therefore, this attribute is often used viruses, trojans and others to hide yourself and hide our documents. What if our documents suddenly disappear?
If we document attributenya changed to Hidden and System, the Hidden option will not be changed (by right click> propertiess), and although the option Show Hidden files and folders is enabled, then the document we still do not visible (in Windows Explorer). To show them we have to set other options, in the Folder Options View tab and remove the
a check mark in the option Hide protected operating system files (recommended). But this option is sometimes removed by a virus, so it can not be set.
The file or folder that was set to Hidden-System can be used then to get rid of the Command Prompt (Article Files and folders are hidden virus?), Just that it is sometimes inconvenient if the file or folder in the hidden command prompt many times especially in the non-switch by the virus. To facilitate the search for the files that were hidden attribute-System then this tool can be used Hidden
file tool. Simple application I created to mengatasai problems like this, given the current almost half the local virus utilize this facility. This file is very small, only about 26 KB and does not need installation, just run it directly. Below the display Hidden files tool.
File zize:(26 KB)
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